Saturday, August 22, 2009


I haven't been here for awhile, so I've seen lots of things that give me questions. Like, how does anyone still take the whole morality of the right question seriously? I know, I know-I've heard all the shit about how they're forgiven, not perfect. I've been told to my face by a Christian that it does not matter what a believer does because the New Testament says 'once forgiven, always forgiven.' But the same book also says that if your faith doesn't change your behavior, it isn't real. Now we have the "Family" in D.C. telling legislators that having power is what makes a person godly. REALLY?! I guess it really isn't the 90s anymore, when it was having money. So they make it possible for all these family values types to screw around on their wives, and tell them it's ok, as long as they keep their power. No wonder Bill Maher gets so worked up about religion. What I see is a bunch of people who got together in Nice, back in the Dark Ages, and decided that this collection of fairy tales is true, and this collection is...well-fairy tales. The Greeks also literally believed in their myths too. So did the Phoenicians and Egyptians and all the other shamans before them. I do see a place for collective stories, but as sensitive as Americans are about being considered to be like anyone else in any other country, why did we choose a mythology that is so foreign to our soil? Why couldn't we at least take up the cause of the people who were already here when the whites got here? At least they respected the land enough to try and not take more than they needed, and to use every part of the animals they killed; not waste anything.

But I digress. Or do I? I guess I'll close today's session with that question. I'm sure there are more questions to come.
